"Upon the hill top stands a guiding light"

Welcome to Pam Elliots' Pictures of Slim.

My thanks to Pam for making these Photos and articles available to me, so that I could share them with everyone.


Autograph album page 4

Autograph album page 5

Autograph album page 7

Autograph album page 9

Autograph album page 10

Autograph album page 11

Autograph album page 12

Autograph album page 13

Autograph album page 14

Autograph album page 15

Sylvia, Christine Knowlson and Pat Harding. circa 1960.

Goodbyes at Butterworth Station, Penang. circa 1960.

Pam Elliot and Christine Knowlson circa 1960.

School notice board circa 1960.

Anne Pettit circa 1960.

Pam Elliot circa 1960.

Pam Elliot and Carol Fraser - cases being aired ready to be packed for home circa 1960.

Christine Knowlson and Pam Elliot circa 1960.

Pat Harding and Pam Elliot circa 1960.

School Songs

No more days of school

No more days of sorrow

No more days in this old dump

'Cos we'll be home tomorrow

When that train goes cuff chuff chuff

I'll be on it sure enough

If I don't I do declare

I'll knock old Tucker off his chair

If he says he's going to tell

Tell him he can go to hell

If he says he's going to complain

Down with his pants and up with the cane!

No more knocking at the H.M.'s door

And coming out with my backside sore

No more teachers dirty looks

No more kisses in my book

No more fishies in my bath

Trying hard to make me laugh

No more froggies in my tea

Above sung to the tune of "One man went to mow"

There is a happy land far far away

Where we get hitched and chucked 10 times a day

Bread and butter we don't see

We get sawdust in our tea

That is why we gradually - fade - fade away

Here comes the warder

Knocking at the door

Are all my prisoners here?

Yes, bless them all

Get into your ruddy beds

Before I knock your ruddy heads

That is why we gradually - fade - fade away



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