Slim School
Stat Lux In Monte
"Upon the hill top stands a guiding light"
Memories from Slim.
On this page are recorded memories of Slimmers. If you would like to add your memories please email me.
Updated 31st December 2021.
Major Bill Harrison and Betty Harrison.
The first Headmaster and Headmistress of Slim School. (added May 2021).
A fascinating and amusing account of how the school came into being.
"Not The Boy Next Door"
A Schoolboys' Memoir in 8 Episodes. (added Nov 2021)
Episode 1. My First Journey to Slim School. (in Word format).
Episode 2. My First Term at Slim School. (in Word format).
Episode 2. My First Term at Slim School. (in PDF format).
Episode 3. Activities at Slim School. (in Word format).
Episode 3. Activities at Slim School. (in PDF format).
Episode 4. My First Night Out. (in Word format).
Episode 4. My First Night Out. (in PDF format).
Episode 5. The "Coffins". (in Word format).
Episode 5. The "Coffins". (in PDF format).
Episode 6. King George VI is Dead. (in Word format).
Episode 6. King George VI is Dead. (in PDF format).
Episode 7. My First Stay in Hospital. (in Word format).
Episode 7. My First Stay in hospital. (in PDF format).
Episode 8. The School and Convoy Are Attacked and Last Term. (in Word format).
Episode 8. The School and Convoy Are Attacked and Last Term. (in PDF format).
Memories from Ann Wilson Slim 1952.
Memories from Lesley Fletcher Slim 1953 to 1954. (added April 2013)
Memories from Valerie Fletcher Slim 1953 to 1955. (added August 2013)
Memories of a recent visit to Slim from Jeremy Kitchin. Slim 1953 to 56.
Mervyn Buckingham Slim 1954 to 1955. Memories of Malaya and Slim School (added 21stJune 2020)
This is a fascinating memoir of Slim with additions from Maureen and Steven Buckingham who were also at Slim. The article is enhanced by old black and white photos which have been colourised.
Memories from Hazel Parker Slim 1954 to 1956.
Page 1 of Memories from Alastair MacKinnon Slim 1954 to 1955.
Page 2 of Memories from Alastair MacKinnon Slim 1954 to 1955.
Page 3 of Memories from Alastair MacKinnon Slim 1954 to 1955.
Memories of Mike Battson 1955.
An account of Shirley and Barbara Jones's 1955 to 1957 return to Slim after 50 years Page 2.
Page 1 Marie Allens's Memories Slim 1956 to 1957.
Page 2 Marie Allen's Memories Slim 1956 to 1957.
Memories from Mike Battson. circa 1956/57
"Gone Missing" Memories of David Wilmot Slim 1958 to 60 as told by Ted Harrison.
Hairy Surprise. Memories from Jeremy Genge Slim 1961 to 1964. (added April 2013)
Landslide. Memories from Jeremy Genge Slim 1961 to 1964. (added April 2013)
Lost in the Jungle. Memories from Jeremy Genge Slim 1961 to 1964.
Bit by a Pit Viper. Memories from Jeremy Genge Slim 1961 to 1964.
Scorpion Play. Memories from Jeremy Genge Slim 1961 to 1964.
More stories from Jeremy Genge Slim 1961 to 1964. (added March 2014)
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to be published without permission.